Daily Meditation| Daily Quote by S. Padre Pio| Divine Mercy Reflection
Daily Meditation
At Home With God:
God is your Creator, Redeemer and Advocate. Be at home with him, for he lives in you. God wants you to be so much a part of him so that you and He can live in fellowship. That is how it was before Adam and Eve sinned, when they would be with God in the cool of the evening. God wants to restore that intimacy with you.
Quote by S. Padre Pio:
Self-love never dies before we do, but it will accompany us to the tomb...
Divine Mercy Reflection
Introductory Reflections: 1-10
We begin, today, reflecting upon an introduction to Diary of Divine Mercy of Saint Faustina. This treasure reveals Jesus’ own Heart. It reveals His infinite love and Mercy. Ponder each short daily reflection throughout the day so that, by the end of the Year, you will have pondered everything Jesus revealed to this great saint.
In the reflections that follow, you will discover many of the beautiful truths of God’s Mercy. Some may strike you to the heart, while others may not. Pay attention, especially, to those reflections that jump out at you. Some may be deeply convicting and be the cause for you to reexamine your life. Do not be afraid to let the Lord speak to you in a powerful way and do not resist His message of Mercy. If a particular message does strike you, and if this is the result of God speaking to you and challenging you, then listen. Pray over that reflection and let the Lord speak. Do not be offended and do not turn away.
This first section presents a basic introduction and overview of Saint Faustina’s Diary and the message of Divine Mercy in general. These first ten reflections are offered as a way of introducing you, by way of an overview, to the Heart of our Lord as revealed through the six notebooks Saint Faustina filled with her inspirations and private revelations. As you read through this initial section, allow yourself to be open to the newness of the concept of Divine Mercy and the devotion that flows from it. God deeply desires to pour out His Mercy in our day and age and the revelations given to Saint Faustina are a gift by which God is speaking to us in a special way.
Reflection 7: Instituting the Solemnity of Divine Mercy
The Diary of Saint Faustina calls us to a new form of devotion in various ways. The second way is through the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. Jesus told Saint Faustina that He desired an annual solemn Feast of Mercy. This Solemnity of Divine Mercy was established as a universal celebration on the Eighth day of the Octave of Easter. On that day the floodgates of Mercy are opened and many souls are made holy. Plan on making this solemn feast a day of great celebration this coming year.
Begin, today, looking forward to this culminating Feast of Mercy! Reflect upon the fact that the mere institution of such a solemn feast is a powerful sign of the desire in the Heart of God to pour down His Mercy upon us.
Lord, may I always honor and celebrate the wonderful Feast of Mercy. May my heart, and the hearts of all Your faithful children, be open to all that You wish to bestow upon us through this feast. Jesus, I trust in You.