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Blog Post - March 29th

Daily Meditation| Daily Quote by S. Padre Pio| Divine Mercy Reflection

Daily Meditation

Sharing of Love:

Love cannot exist in isolation or autonomously because love shares itself with another. Love requires a lover and a beloved, a giver and a receiver. It is the receptivity of love that makes it a gift.

Quote by S. Padre Pio:

Give thanks without ever growing weary for the liberality of such a good Father, and ask Him to increase holy charity more and more in your heart.

Divine Mercy Reflection

Reflections on Notebook One: 11-111

This first notebook of Saint Faustina begins her private revelations given from the Heart of Jesus to her. She writes in a beautiful and simple way. Though, as mentioned in the introduction to this book, her actual words are not quoted in these reflections that follow, the messages that she received and articulated are presented.

In truth, her messages are those contained in Sacred Scripture and in the Tradition of our Church. And if you were to read through the lives and teachings of the saints, you would find the same revelations. God has always spoken to us throughout the ages. He speaks the one Message of Truth, and He reveals that Message in love. The revelations to Saint Faustina are one new way that God continues to speak and reveal Himself to us, His sons and daughters.

The reflections in this first chapter, based on the first notebook, are intentionally short and focused. They are a way for you, the reader, to slowly and carefully listen to the Heart of God spoken to this great saint. Read these reflections slowly and prayerfully. Ponder them throughout the day and allow the Lord to speak to You the message He wants to give.

Reflection 88: Interior Suffering Transformed

Many people carry very heavy burdens within their souls. On the surface, they may radiate with joy and peace. But within their souls, they may also have great pain. These two experiences of our interior and exterior are not in contradiction when we follow Christ. Often times Jesus allows us to feel a certain interior suffering while, at the same time, He brings forth the good fruit of exterior peace and joy through that suffering (See Diary #378).

Is this your experience? Do you find that you can express yourself with great joy and peace in the presence of others even though your heart is filled with anguish and pain? If so, rest assured that joy and suffering are not mutually exclusive. Know that Jesus permits interior suffering at times so as to purify you and strengthen you. Continue to surrender that suffering and take joy in the opportunity you have to live a life of joy amidst such hardship.

Lord, I thank You for the interior crosses I carry. I know that You will give me the grace I need to continue down the path of acceptance and joy. May the joy of Your presence in my life always shine forth as I carry each and every cross I have been given. Jesus, I trust in You.

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