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Blog Post - September 10th

S. Nicholas of Tolentino| Daily Meditation| Daily Quote by S. Padre Pio| Divine Mercy Reflection

Today in the Latin Calendar we celebrate the Feast Day of S. Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor and Patron Saint for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. A story about this Feast Day can be found by Clicking Here.

Another Story:

Nicholas of Tolentine (1245-1305) was a simple priest and Augustinian friar who touched the lives of many.

His sprit of prayer, penance, austerity of life and devotion to the Holy Souls were notable. His preaching brought many to Christ.

Nicholas Gurutti was born in 1245 in Sant'Angelo, Pontano, Macerata, Italy. His family was rather poor.

He joined the Augustinian Order while a young man, after hearing the inspired preaching of Reginaldo da Monterubbiano, Prior (local superior) of the Augustinian monastery in Sant'Angelo.

As a priest and religious, he was full of charity towards his brother Augustinians as well as towards the people to whom he ministered. He visited the sick and cared for the needy. He was a noted preacher of the Gospel. He gave special attention to those who had fallen away from the Church. People considered him a miracle worker.

He often fasted and performed other works of penance. He spent long hours in prayer.

The story is told that, one day, having fasted for a long time, Nicholas was physically weak. While at prayer, Jesus told him to eat some bread marked with a cross and soaked in water in order to regain his strength. Thus arose the Augustinian custom of blessing and distributing Saint Nicholas Bread in his memory.

Another story relates that Nicholas, while asleep in bed, heard the voice of a deceased friar he had known. This friar told Nicholas that he was in Purgatory, and urged him to celebrate the Eucharist for him and other souls there, so that they would be set free by the power of Christ. Nicholas did so for seven days. The friar again spoke to Nicholas, thanking him and assuring him that a large number of souls were now with God.

Because of this Nicholas was proclaimed patron of the souls in Purgatory.

He is also considered the patron saint against epidemic disease and against fires.

During most of his adult life, Nicholas lived in Tolentine, Italy. There he died September 10, 1305. Canonized in 1446 by Pope Eugene IV, Nicholas is the first Augustinian friar to be canonized after the Grand Union of the Order of St. Augustine in 1256.

The remains of St. Nicholas are preserved at the Shrine of Saint Nicholas in the city of Tolentine.

Daily Meditation

Secret to Happiness:

Being a friend, one who empathizes and supports, is the first step in helping people discover the secret to your happiness—an intimate union with Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior.

Quote by S. Padre Pio:

Jesus is always there, close to you, encouraging you to fight your battle courageously.

Divine Mercy Reflection

Reflections on Notebook Four: 237-262

We continue to the fourth notebook that Saint Faustina filled with reflections and revelations from Jesus. As we enter into this notebook, allow yourself to seek God in the silence. This chapter begins with Saint Faustina revealing that she was experiencing a “dark night” (Diary #1235). She lacked the sensory feelings of closeness to God. By analogy, it would be as if you were in a dark room filled with treasures and someone told you that all the treasures of this room were yours. You could not see them but you trusted the person who spoke about all that was around you. Knowledge of these treasures filled your mind even though the darkness hid them from your eyes.

So it is with God. Saint Faustina loved our Lord with all her heart and with every beat of her heart. She knew His closeness and love. But it appears that she could not sense this through her human senses. This gift of darkness allowed her to enter into a relationship with God on a spiritual level far deeper.

Seek this depth of relationship with God as you read through this chapter. Move beyond a desire to feel close to God and allow yourself to become close to God. He wants to enter your heart on a much deeper level than you ever knew possible. Be open to the newness of a relationship shrouded in darkness and allow the Lord to communicate His Mercy to you on this new level of love.

Reflection 253: The Response of Total Gratitude

What should our response be to God? Often times we become self-consumed in our relationship with God. We focus in on our troubles and needs. These must be given over to God and let go of. When we do this we will discover that we begin to see the glory and goodness of God at work in our lives and we will begin to be filled with the utmost gratitude toward God. Gratitude must consume us and fill our minds and prayers. We must allow gratitude to take over our passions and feelings and every part of our being. This is what we will do for eternity. Heaven will be one eternal act of thanksgiving to God for His goodness and Mercy. When we can turn our eyes away from ourselves and focus in on God, this gift of gratitude will begin to direct our lives (See Diary #1285-1286).

Are you grateful? You will be grateful only if you allow yourself to see the countless gifts that God lavishes upon you every day. It’s easy to allow self-absorption to cloud our vision of these countless blessings from God. But if you can turn your eyes toward Heaven and see the truth, you will be amazed at God’s infinite goodness. Do not let yourself miss out on this glorious discovery of all that God does for you day and night. Do not close your eyes to the abundance of His Mercy. Reflect, today, upon whether or not you allow yourself to see His merciful love lavished upon you and upon others. Fix your gaze upon this Mercy and allow this realization to foster within you a profoundly grateful heart.

My Lord, I thank You for all that You have done in my life and I thank You for all that You will continue to do in me. Help me to become increasingly aware of Your merciful love and the countless blessings You bestow upon me and upon all Your children. As I see Your handiwork all around, fill my heart with sincere gratitude. Jesus, I trust in You.

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