song Jeff sang to his
little girls at night
You were materially poor, but rich in love.
If others were hungry, you would give them what little bread you had to eat,
even if it meant that you would personally go hungry.
If someone needed a helping hand, you gave them your heart.
If someone insulted you, you gave them a smile.
If someone needed advice, you were always there to guide them.
When others were wounded in spirit, you consoled them.
Your sense of humor was infectious.
You never traveled, yet you were a guiding force to all who knew you.
You were always early or exactly on time for everything,
even now you are too early for your Heavenly Home.
You were much loved, especially by children.
When your heart burst opened,
you saw both the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
who came to lead you home.
Truly, you lived the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
You will be greatly missed by all... Your family will never stop loving you.
May you rest in peace in the arms of Our Lord and His Mother Mary.
One day we will all be together again in the presence of Our Lord.

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