Please refer to front of this section pertaining to movable feast days and indulgences.
February is dedicated to the Holy Family
Virtue - Humility (Luke 14:11) Jesus, Mary,
and Joseph, like you we are members of the Father's. We pray that our family love may reflect His love on its openness to all people.
Novenas for the Saints of February
Please click on picture or title for
Novena. See note on front page
of this section pertaining to starting date.
For other Novenas please refer to Novena Section
click on picture
for Novena
Novena and Prayers for Lent
Prayer Before Image of Christ Crucified

"Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus,
while before Your face I humbly kneel,
and with burning soul pray and beseech You
to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments of
faith, hope and charity, true contrition for my sins,
and a firm purpose of amendment,
while I contemplate with great love
and tender pity Your five wounds,
pondering over them within me,
calling to mind the words which David,
Your prophet, said of You, my good Jesus:
"They have pierced my hands and my feet;
they have numbered all my bones."
The Stations of the Cross
click on picture for the Stations of the Cross
A Plenary Indulgences is granted to those who piously make the Way of the Cross. The gaining of the Indulgence is regulated by the following rules:
A. Must be done before the Stations of the Cross legitimately erected.
B. Fourteen Stations are required. It is customary for the Icons to represent pictures or images, fourteen simple crosses will suffice.
C. While pious readings may be read, only a pious meditation on the Passion and Death of the Lord without any consideration of the individual mysteries of the stations is required.
D. If physically able, a movement from one station to the next is required. If there is a large crowd it suffices for only the one conducting the exercise to go from station to station, the others remaining in their places.
E. If one is "impeded" the indulgence can be gained by spending at least one-half hour in pious reading and meditation on the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
F. For those belonging to the Oriental Rites and who do not exercise this practice, the respective Patriarchs can determine some other pious exercise in memory of the Passion and Death for gaining this indulgence.