The Song of Songs is the story of the love between God and the soul. God is deeply in love with us, and wills our love in return. This love between the soul and God, which is the most intimate love possible, is expressed in the analogy of the bride (the Church) and the bridegroom (Jesus), where the intimacy of love is especially expressed.
Commentary on the Song of Songs is presented by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and takes the form of sermons on the meaning of the various allegories used in the psalms and are presented in the order Saint Bernard composed the commentaries.
There are eight chapters in this book which is also known as the Canticles of Canticles, because they are full of high mysteries, relating to the happy union of Christ and His spouse: which is here begun by love; and is to be eternal in heaven. The spouse of Christ is the Church; especially perfect souls, everyone of which is His beloved, but above all others, the Immaculate and ever Blessed Virgin Mary.
The theme of each chapter is listed below. Although Saint Bernard does not follow them in any particular order they are as follows:
Chapter 1: The spouse aspires to an union with Christ, their mutual love for one another.
Chapter 2: Christ caresses His spouse: He invites her to Him.
Chapter 3: The spouse seeks Christ. The glory of his humanity.
Chapter 4: Christ sets forth the graces of His spouse: and declares His love for her.
Chapter 5: Christ calls His spouse: she languishes with love: and describes Him by His grace.
Chapter 6: The spouse of Christ is but one: she is fair and terrible.
Chapter 7: A further description of the graces of the Church the spouse of Christ.
Chapter 8: The love of the Church to Christ: His love for her.
Introductory comments are made by The Early Church Fathers.
Click on the titles 1-31 below to view the various commentaries made by St. Bernard