The Book of Wisdom never existed among the Hebrews, but rather is the work of Philo a Jew who was highly skilled in the Greek language according to Saint Jerome. It was Solomon, however, who was the person that discovered the Book. It is said to be a work of Wisdom, because in it the coming of Christ, the Wisdom of the Father and Christ's Passion are clearly expressed.
'She reaches from end to end, that is, from the divinity to the humanity in the incarnation
in which the lowest is united to the highest'.
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An exhortation to seek God sincerely, who cannot be deceived, and desireth not our death.
The vain reasonings of the wicked: their persecuting the just, especially the Son of God.
The happiness of the just: and the unhappiness of the wicked.
The difference between the chaste and the adulterous generations: and between
the death of the just and the wicked.
The fruitless repentance of the wicked in another world: the reward of the just.
An address to princes to seek after wisdom: she is easily found by those that seek her.
The excellence of wisdom: how she is to be found.
Further praises of wisdom: and her fruits.
Solomon's prayer for wisdom.
What wisdom did for Adam, Noe, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Joseph, and the people of Israel.
Other benefits of wisdom to the people of God.
God's wisdom and mercy in his proceedings with the Chanaanites.
Idolaters are inexcusable: and those most of all that worship for gods
the works of the hands of men.
The beginning of worshiping idols: and the effects thereof.
The servants of God praise Him who hath delivered them from idolatry;
condemning both the makers and the worshipers of idols.
God's different dealings with the Egyptians and with his own people.
The Egyptian darkness.
The slaughter of the firstborn in Egypt: the efficacy of Aaron's
intercession, in the sedition on occasion of Core.
Why God shewed no mercy to the Egyptians. His favour to the Israelites. All creatures obey God's orders for the service of the good,
and the punishment of the wicked.