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Blog Post - December 28th

Writer's picture: Pamphlets InspirePamphlets Inspire

Slaughter of the Holy Innocents| Daily Meditation| Daily Quote by S. Padre Pio| Divine Mercy Reflection

The Slaughter of the Holy Innocents| Pamphlets To Inspire
The Slaughter of the Holy Innocents

Today the Church commemorates the Feast Day of the Holy Innocents. The day when Herod after the visit by the Magi's asking where was the place that the new born King had been born, had all young boys two years old and under, killed so that their would be no competition for his throne.

However, in a dream, S. Joseph was made aware of Herod's plan by an Angel, and began his flight to Egypt accompanied by Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

Holy Innocents

Both Calendars

Herod “the Great,” king of Judea, was unpopular with his people because of his connections with the Romans and his religious indifference. Hence he was insecure and fearful of any threat to his throne. He was a master politician and a tyrant capable of extreme brutality. He killed his wife, his brother and his sister’s two husbands, to name only a few.

Matthew 2:1-18 tells this story: Herod was “greatly troubled” when astrologers from the east came asking the whereabouts of “the newborn king of the Jews,” whose star they had seen. They were told that the Jewish Scriptures named Bethlehem as the place where the Messiah would be born. Herod cunningly told them to report back to him so that he could also “do him homage.” They found Jesus, offered him their gifts and, warned by an angel, avoided Herod on their way home. Jesus escaped to Egypt.

Herod became furious and “ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and under.” The horror of the massacre and the devastation of the mothers and fathers led Matthew to quote Jeremiah: “A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children...” (Matthew 2:18). Rachel was the wife of Jacob/Israel. She is pictured as weeping at the place where the Israelites were herded together by the conquering Assyrians for their march into captivity.


The Holy Innocents are few, in comparison to the genocide and abortion of our day. But even if there had been only one, we recognize the greatest treasure God put on the earth—a human person, destined for eternity and graced by Jesus’ death and resurrection.


"Purify us as we serve these, your mysteries, by which you grant justification even to those who lack understanding" (Prayer Over the Gifts, Feast of the Holy Innocents).

Patron Saint of:


Daily Meditation

Radiate Truth:

The renewal of the Church is also achieved through the witness offered by the lives of believers; by their very existence in the world. Christians are called to radiate the word of truth that the Lord Jesus left us.

Quote by S. Padre Pio:

Never fall back on yourself alone, but place your trust in God, and do not be too eager to be set free from your present state.

Divine Mercy| Pamphlets To Inspire
Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Reflection

Reflections on Notebook Six: 327-365

We enter, now, the last of the six notebooks that Saint Faustina filled with revelations from our Lord about His unfathomable and perfect Mercy. At this point, the Message of Mercy should be clear and evoking of a deep trust in the incomprehensible love of God. All that has been shared to this point reveals that God is relentless in His pursuit of you, seeking only to love you unconditionally and to draw you into His glorious life for all eternity.

The greatest obstacle to this call to holiness is sin. But it is abundantly clear that sin is no match for the Mercy of God. His Mercy dispels your sin in an instant, disposing of your past errors forever. God’s only desire is the present moment, for in this present moment He comes to you, descending from the heights of Heaven, entering into the inner core of your soul so as to form a perfect communion with you, lifting you up to share in His divine life.

This final notebook will be reflected upon as a summary of all that has been reflected upon thus far. Just like the reflections on the first notebook, the reflections for this notebook will be short and to the point. Once you finish this chapter you are invited to return to it often as a way of quickly and easily reminding yourself of the abundant Mercy of God. The Lord’s love is perfect in every way. Allow Him to speak this truth to you with clarity and conviction.

Reflection 362: Two Hearts of Mercy

Jesus’ Heart is pure Mercy. It’s a fountain of grace pouring out upon the world. This is consoling but there is another heart that must also become a fountain of Mercy, and that is yours. You must become so immersed in the Mercy of the Lord that your heart bursts forth with rivers of grace for others. This is especially how God touches those souls who are lost and do not pray. By you going to them, loving them with great devotion and lavishing the Mercy of God upon them, their hearts meet the Lord’s (See Diary #1777).

Reflect upon your call to be the very Heart of Christ to others. His Heart must beat in yours and His Mercy must become yours. This takes total surrender and requires much personal sacrifice. But if you can allow our Lord to flood your heart with His Mercy, the overflow from your heart will affect countless others.

Lord, please make my heart Your Heart. I give it to You dear Lord to use in this world to touch many lives. May I so humble myself before You that a flood of Mercy flows through me to touch the lives of many. I love You dear Lord, help me to love all Your children with a burning love. Jesus, I trust in You.

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