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Blog Post - December 30th

Te Deum (December 31st-Plenary Indulgence)| Daily Meditation| Daily Quote by S. Padre Pio| Divine Mercy Reflection

On December 31st, one may gain a Plenary Indulgence, by reciting the Te Deum, in Church after Mass.

The four usual conditions apply for any Plenary Indulgence. They Are:

1. Attend Mass;

2. Receive the Eucharist in the state of grace; and

3. Sacramental Confession within 8 days before or after today.

4. Prayers for the Holy Fathers intentions.

If you do not go to confession within the prescribed time, you do not meet the mandatory four requirements of the Church, therefore, you do not gain a Plenary Indulgence.


The Te Deum ​


We praise You, O God; we acclaim You Lord and Master.

Everlasting Father, all the world bows down before You.

All the Angels sing Your praise, the hosts of heaven and all the angelic Powers:

All the cherubim and Seraphim call out to You in-unending chorus:

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Angel hosts!

The heavens and the earth are filled, Lord, with Your majesty and glory.

Your praises are sung by the renowned Apostles;

By all the prophets, who themselves deserve our praise;

By that mighty white-robed army who shed their blood for Christ.

And to the ends of the earth the holy Church proclaims her faith in You:

Father, whose majesty is boundless;

Your only Son, who is true God, and who is to be adored;

The Holy Ghost, sent to be our Advocate.

O Christ, the King of glory!

You alone are the Father's eternal Son.

When You were to become man so as to save mankind,

You did not shrink back from the chaste Virgin's womb.

When You triumphantly destroyed death's sting,

You opened up to believers the kingdom of heaven.

You are now enthroned at God's right hand,

in the Father's glory.

We believe that You will come for judgment,

We therefore implore You to grant Your servants grace and aid,

for You shed Your precious blood for their redemption.

Admit them all to the ranks of Your Saints in everlasting glory.

Be the Savior of Your faithful people, Lord;

grant them Your blessing, for they belong to You.

Be their Shepherd, Lord,

uphold and exalt them forever and ever.

Day by day we praise You, daily we acclaim You.

We will confess and glorify Your holy Name,

now and for all eternity.

In Your great mercy, Lord,

throughout this day keep us free from sin by Your protection.

Have mercy on us, we humbly pray;

Lord have mercy on us.

May Your mercy, Lord, Your loving kindness,

always remain with us; for we have placed our confidence in You.

In You alone, Lord, I have hoped;

may I not be disappointed.

Daily Meditation

Go Forward in Peace:

Our spiritual journey is an ongoing process. Whether or not our faith experience is marked by dramatic turning points, there is always room for growth. God gives us all we need to continue growing in faith as we do our imperfect best to act on what we have already been given.

Quote by S. Padre Pio:

We will never acquire perfect sweetness and charity, if it is not exercised in and through adversities.

Divine Mercy Reflection

Reflections on Notebook Six: 327-365

We enter, now, the last of the six notebooks that Saint Faustina filled with revelations from our Lord about His unfathomable and perfect Mercy. At this point, the Message of Mercy should be clear and evoking of a deep trust in the incomprehensible love of God. All that has been shared to this point reveals that God is relentless in His pursuit of you, seeking only to love you unconditionally and to draw you into His glorious life for all eternity.

The greatest obstacle to this call to holiness is sin. But it is abundantly clear that sin is no match for the Mercy of God. His Mercy dispels your sin in an instant, disposing of your past errors forever. God’s only desire is the present moment, for in this present moment He comes to you, descending from the heights of Heaven, entering into the inner core of your soul so as to form a perfect communion with you, lifting you up to share in His divine life.

This final notebook will be reflected upon as a summary of all that has been reflected upon thus far. Just like the reflections on the first notebook, the reflections for this notebook will be short and to the point. Once you finish this chapter you are invited to return to it often as a way of quickly and easily reminding yourself of the abundant Mercy of God. The Lord’s love is perfect in every way. Allow Him to speak this truth to you with clarity and conviction.

Reflection 364: Prayer for the Dying

In regard to your eternal salvation, the hour of your death is so very important. When you pray the “Hail Mary” prayer, you pray specifically for this sacred hour. It is a holy hour. But it is also an hour when the evil one will lash out at you one more time to try to steal your soul for all eternity. It is essential that you spend your life preparing for this sacred hour by your prayers, a life of sacrifice, and a life of charity. But it is also essential that you pray for those who are in their last hour. For some, this is a moment of true spiritual battle. See it as a duty of charity to regularly remember those who are in their last hour in your prayers. They will thank you in Heaven (See Diary #1798).

Reflect upon your death this day, and especially try to pray the rosary for this moment. Consider, also, making a commitment to pray for those who are dying. Death brings many temptations, such as fear, and is a time when much grace is needed. Pray that every soul, including your own, will enter this hour with confidence and faith, trusting in the abundant Mercy of God.

Lord, I offer You my last hour in this life and pray for all those who will face this moment today. May it be a sweet hour in which we are surrounded by Your angels and saints. May we especially receive the consolation of knowing the prayers of Your dear Mother at this moment. Mother Mary, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Jesus, I trust in You.

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