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Blog Post - June 3rd

S. Charles Lwanga and Companions| Daily Meditation| Daily Quote by S. Padre Pio| Divine Mercy Reflection

Sts. Charles Lwanga and Companions

(d. 1886)

Ordinary Time

One of 22 Ugandan martyrs, Charles Lwanga is the patron of youth and Catholic action in most of tropical Africa. He protected his fellow pages (aged 13 to 30) from the homosexual demands of the Bagandan ruler, Mwanga, and encouraged and instructed them in the Catholic faith during their imprisonment for refusing the ruler’s demands.

For his own unwillingness to submit to the immoral acts and his efforts to safeguard the faith of his friends, Charles was burned to death at Namugongo on June 3, 1886, by Mwanga’s order.

Charles first learned of Christ’s teachings from two retainers in the court of Chief Mawulugungu. While a catechumen, he entered the royal household as assistant to Joseph Mukaso, head of the court pages.

On the night of Mukaso’s martyrdom for encouraging the African youths to resist Mwanga, Charles requested and received Baptism. Imprisoned with his friends, Charles’s courage and belief in God inspired them to remain chaste and faithful.

When Pope Paul VI canonized these 22 martyrs on October 18, 1964, he referred to the Anglican pages martyred for the same reason.


Like Charles Lwanga, we are all teachers and witnesses to Christian living by the examples of our own lives. We are all called upon to spread the word of God, whether by word or deed. By remaining courageous and unshakable in our faith during times of great moral and physical temptation, we live as Christ lived.


On his African tour in 1969, Pope Paul VI told 22 young Ugandan converts that "being a Christian is a fine thing but not always an easy one."

Daily Meditation

Game of Love:

If Jesus reveals himself to you, thank Him, and if He hides himself from you, thank Him for that too-- it is all part of this game of love. It is my hope that, when you reach the point of being with Jesus on the cross, you can softly exclaim with Jesus, "It is finished" (John 19: 30).--S. Padre Pio

Quote by S. Padre Pio:

Infinite praise and thanks to Jesus, King of souls, for treating you as a chosen (child) of His own.

Divine Mercy Reflection

Reflections on Notebook Two: 112-188

We now enter into Notebook Two of the six notebooks that make up the Diary of Saint Faustina. The reason for having more than one notebook is simply that when one notebook was filled by Saint Faustina she began with a new one. Therefore, there is nothing particularly different from one notebook to the other. However, for the purpose of this current book of daily reflections, each reflection will begin to be lengthened, starting here with Notebook Two, so as to help you, the reader, enter more deeply into the beautiful mysteries of faith and our shared spiritual life that have been revealed in these writings of Saint Faustina.

You are invited once again to take one reflection each day and to ponder it throughout the day. Try to pray the prayer for each reflection each morning, noon and evening. Allow each mystery reflected upon to become a source of wisdom and understanding for you.

Reflection 154: Silent and Humble Adoration

Imagine the scene of our Blessed Mother in the humble state of the Nativity. She had no home at that moment other than this place where animals gathered. Yet in the stillness of that holy night, she was at home as she gazed upon her Child with the deepest adoration and love. She gazed in silence as He lay sleeping on the hay. This must be an image of your soul. You are called to enter into the humility of the inner dwelling place of your heart. Deep within, you must see this Precious Child, resting in peace. Remain silent and attentive, keep your eyes fixed on Him in adoration, and allow yourself to become consumed with delight at His presence within your soul (See Diary #785).

Reflect upon your humble and silent prayer. As you sit quietly before Jesus, or even as you go about the duties of your day, are you attentive to the divine presence of your Savior living within you? Do you see Him sleeping there in the stillness? Our souls must become a place of prayer and silence so that we can humbly keep our eyes upon our Lord within this holy dwelling place. If you keep your eyes upon Him, as He dwells silently within you, you will then go about your day with the peace and joy that only this holy Child can bring.

Lord, bring humility and stillness to my heart. May I discover You resting there in peace and adore You with a profound love. May I always keep my eyes upon You and never become distracted by the many temptations of this world. May the adoration I offer You who dwell within me become a source of the love and service I offer to all. Jesus, I trust in You.

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