Daily Meditation| Daily Quote by S. Padre Pio| Divine Mercy Reflection
Daily Meditation
When I Cannot Pray:
When I am incapable of praying, I want to keep telling Him that I love Him. It is not difficult, and it keeps the fire going.--S. Therese of Lisieux
Quote by S. Padre Pio:
Pray, hope and do not worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear our prayers.
Divine Mercy Reflection
Reflections on Notebook One: 11-111
This first notebook of Saint Faustina begins her private revelations given from the Heart of Jesus to her. She writes in a beautiful and simple way. Though, as mentioned in the introduction to this book, her actual words are not quoted in these reflections that follow, the messages that she received and articulated are presented.
In truth, her messages are those contained in Sacred Scripture and in the Tradition of our Church. And if you were to read through the lives and teachings of the saints, you would find the same revelations. God has always spoken to us throughout the ages. He speaks the one Message of Truth, and He reveals that Message in love. The revelations to Saint Faustina are one new way that God continues to speak and reveal Himself to us, His sons and daughters.
The reflections in this first chapter, based on the first notebook, are intentionally short and focused. They are a way for you, the reader, to slowly and carefully listen to the Heart of God spoken to this great saint. Read these reflections slowly and prayerfully. Ponder them throughout the day and allow the Lord to speak to You the message He wants to give.
Reflection 72: An Incomprehensible Mystery
When God enters your soul, He acts in such a way that you will never fully comprehend His workings. His grace and Mercy are such that they remain a mystery deeper than the oceans and more vast than the upper limits of the Universe. Understanding the incomprehensible nature of God’s grace is, in fact, the first step to wisdom. It’s the first step to realizing the omnipotence of God and His infinite Mercy (See Diary #266).
Will you ever comprehend the grace of God? Will you ever fully grasp all that He has done for you? Certainly not. But if you can become all the more aware of the fact that you cannot comprehend God and His love, then you are on the road to wisdom. Reflect upon the incomprehensible workings of grace today. Face the great mystery of God’s infinite Mercy. Let yourself become aware of this mystery so that you will begin to know that you do not know. And in that realization, you will be one step closer to understanding the Mercy of God.
Lord, Your ways are so far above my ways and Your wisdom is so far above what my mind can ever fathom. Help me, this day, to see the mystery of Your incomprehensible nature. And in seeing this mystery, help me to begin to understand Your Mercy all the more. Jesus, I trust in You.